A  place of safety for those people of faith who wonder if there is more to life than they are currently experiencing …

Can you help with Steve’s latest CROWDFUNDER?

Now Everything Changes

Three Christian friends and an occasional guest cast their gaze on the World around them and chat about it with honesty, humour and (a little) insight. This is Chatter that Matters.

Other Features

The Mirror

An interactive app to help you understand the past, present and future of the Middle East conflict between Israel and Palestine.

All about the Story

Listen to short dramas that will make you laugh, cry and think. Performed by enthusiastic amateurs for your pleasure.

Yeshua Explored

Discover the life and times of Jesus Christ in his Jewish setting. Serialised in small sections, with an associated devotional.

More stuff


Hundreds of pages of audio, video and text material, collected over the last 20 years or so


Steve Maltz’s latest ramblings - a weekly podcast with news and updates.